Питтсбургская мумия. Источник фото: http://egyptexplorationsociety.tumblr.com/post/38589223/mummy-in-pittsburgh
/* Plugin Name: Crawl Rate Tracker Plugin URI: http://www.blogstorm.co.uk/wordpress-crawl-rate-tracker/ Description: This is a plugin to log every visit by search engine robots, and show the results in different reports. Author: Patrick Altoft Version: 1.0 Author URI: http://www.blogstorm.co.uk */ global $wpdb, $sbtracking_table, $sbtracking_db_version, $sbtracking_plugin_file; //maximum length of crawling rate bar $total_length = 200; $sbtracking_db_version = "1.0"; $sbtracking_table = $wpdb->prefix . 'sbtracking'; $sbtracking_plugin_file = dirname(__FILE__) . '/' . basename(__FILE__); require 'sbtracking-setup.php'; require 'sbtracking-log.php'; require 'sbtracking-report.php'; ?>
Питтсбургская мумия. Источник фото: http://egyptexplorationsociety.tumblr.com/post/38589223/mummy-in-pittsburgh
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